Collection: Paintbrushes

Paintbrushes are tools used by artists, decorators, and other professionals to apply paint, ink, or other liquids to surfaces. They consist of a handle, a ferrule (the metal part that holds the bristles in place), and the bristles themselves. The bristles are usually made from natural hairs (like sable or hog bristles) or synthetic fibers.

Paintbrushes come in various shapes, sizes, and types to serve different purposes:

  1. Flat Brushes: These brushes have square, flat bristles and are used for bold, sweeping strokes or sharp, straight lines.

  2. Round Brushes: These brushes have pointed tips and are ideal for detailed work, fine lines, and controlled strokes.

  3. Filbert Brushes: With a flat yet rounded tip, filberts are great for blending and soft strokes.

  4. Fan Brushes: These brushes have fanned-out bristles and are typically used for texture, blending, and creating natural effects like foliage or fur.

  5. Angle Brushes: These brushes are shaped at an angle, making them perfect for precise lines, corners, or shading.

The size and stiffness of the bristles also vary. Larger brushes are better for covering large areas, while smaller brushes allow for more precision. Softer bristles are generally used for fine art, while stiffer bristles are used for thicker applications, like oil painting or heavy body acrylics.